First or Alias Name *Email Address *Phone Number *Sexual Orientation *GayBisexualLesbianQueerHeterosexualTransIntersexOthersGenderMaleFemaleMale-FemaleFemale-MaleNon-BinaryOthersPlease provide a brief description of the challenge, situation, or crisis that you encountered. (This should include a description of any antecedent or barrier that you may have experienced) *Address where the incident took place *State where the incident took place *Date of Incidence *Names, contact, and social media handle of (perpetrators)….(If available) *In cases of emergency psychosocial, medical, or legal referral is needed, please do indicate below. *PsychosocialMedicalLegalPlease provide pdf, jpeg, or any supporting document to aid your referral *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSubmit